Expedition stories

Narrative non-fiction, pen portraits, vignettes from cultural borderlands

Cooking Soup for 7000 French

Three anglophones endeavour to cook soup that the French will like at a chaotic soup festival in the Cevennes mountains.

Revolutionary Tourism in Paris

A wild goose chase across Paris to find the Yellow Vests.

Carnival in Marseille

The street party where flour bombs, giant rats and bonfires carry political messages.

Walking the Way of the Spirits

A hike around New Zealand’s northern coast.

People of Paper

A refugee centre in southern France

Streets of France: Punks-with-Dogs

In front of me is a terrifying beast. It writhes and growls. There is a lot of hair and metal.

Pen Portrait. France’s People. Rui the Vagabond

“I used to be a computer programmer. I had a life exactly like everyone else. But I got tired of letters arriving in the post with bad news.”